Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Kind Heart and an Old Rabbit

Yesterday morning, my colleague, a Chinese gentleman in his 60s, stopped me to ask about a rabbit that appeared at his door some time ago. He said it was an old rabbit with a leg crippled. He suspected the disability could be due to being confined in a small cage for a long time and hence. He took pity on the rabbit and he said there was a lot of space in his balcony and so he cordoned off a section to house the rabbit. He said the rabbit was longer frightened of him. He asked about the loss of hair on the paw region. He placed newspaper for the rabbit to pee and poo and he used water to wash the stain off its limbs. He said the rabbit was afraid of water.

I told him to get his son to email me so that I could direct him to hrss for advice. Meanwhile I will print out some materials for him. I also asked him to buy hay from the pet shop and to ask for advice there.

Hearing such kindness from an “ordinary” person warms my heart and restores my hope in my own species.