Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Functions of the Residents' Committee's_Association

Residents' Committees (RCs) were formed in 1978 to promote neighbourliness and harmony in public housing estates. RCs also serve as channels of communication between residents and the Government. RCs, like CCCs, initially came under the Prime Minister's Office, and later, the Ministry of Community Development.

In 1993, RCs and CCCs came under the purview of the PA. Currently, there are over 550 RCs. Each RC has an RC Centre to conduct meetings and programmes and activities for residents. RCs organise residents' parties, conduct house visits and other neighbourhood activities to reach out to residents. They also work closely with the government agencies to improve the living environment, safety and security of their estates.

Run by volunteers, the functions of the Residents' Committee are :

(a) to promote neighbourliness, harmony and cohesiveness among the residents of the Designated Zone;

(b) to liaise with and make recommendations to governmental authorities on the needs and aspirations of residents of the Designated Zone;

(c) to disseminate information and channel feedback on government policies and actions from residents of the Designated Zone; and 2

(d) to promote good citizenship among residents of the Designated Zone.