Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caregiver treated shabbily by the Town Council

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I spoke to a caregiver today who told me that she had a problem with her TC. Her TC knows her well - she is an extremely responsible caregiver so they are usually very happy to refer cases to her.

Unfortunately there was a new officer in one of the areas that she doesn't manage, but the feeder in the area asked for her help. She and some other caregivers went down to speak with the officer as some cats in this area were caught.

The officer told her that he would need to refer to his General Manager though he was fairly polite. Then he came out with a very difficult man, who told the caregiver they could not get the cats back. What tops all of this though is that this man wasn't the GM - the caregiver has met with the GM on several occasions when we had meetings with him and it wasn't the same man.

She's now trying to lodge a complaint with the TC. One can get into serious trouble for impersonating a TC officer - so what happens when a TC officer misrepresents his own role in the TC?