Monday, April 6, 2009

Vexed by noisy parrots next door

In HDB estates, sometimes just ONE complaint of noise made by the community cats and the Senior Propery Officer will activate the pest controller to CULL the cats!

The Straits Times
STForum Online
April 6, 2009
Vexed by noisy parrots next door
NEXT door to the condominium where I live is a private residence, where 12 to 15 parrots are kept as pets.

These birds make a din with their loud squawks and ear-piercing squeals very early in the morning, two or three times during the day, and at night.

We are very often woken up by the squawking even though we sleep with the windows closed. In the evenings, it is sometimes not possible to speak on the phone or watch TV because of the noise created by these birds.

Although I have reported this to the National Environment Agency - through which our complaint has gone to the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority - no action appears to have been taken to control this noise nuisance.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point me to the right agency that can deal with this matter.

Harendra Mohan Wijeyekoon