Monday, June 29, 2009

Cat feeders, clear up after kitty has eaten

The Electric New Paper :
Cat feeders, clear up after kitty has eaten
28 June 2009

I REFER to the letter, 'Why is there uneven enforcement of certain rules and regulations?' by reader Paul Antony Fernandez (The New Paper, 17Jun).

The Cat Welfare Society has been working on promoting responsible feeding among the community of cat lovers and caregivers for many years.

It is our aim to educate and inform the public about the potential problems that leaving food behind for cats can possibly cause.

We encourage all cat feeders to clear up after the cats are done eating, to feed at ground level, away from high traffic areas, and discourage them from feeding on other floors of high-rise buildings.

A 'Responsible Feeding' brochure was produced by the society to address this issue.

Perhaps you can help us distribute the brochures and educate the feeders who are not doing it 'right'.

This will go a long way in improving community relations and build harmony between cats and humans in our highly urban environment.

Do contact us at or visit our website for more information.