Friday, September 25, 2009

Email to Ms Tan, CEO of AVA

Permission granted to post an email to Ms Tan, CEO of AVA, regarding this "How do you recover from this?"
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 1:05 PM

Dear Ms. Tan

My name is H R(name abbreviated), a pure bred Singaporean, a natural born lover of all living beings, and a strong advocate of saving lives, ANY lives.
The moment I read this, I had to curb the vile disgorge of repugnance that was coming up my throat. Repugnance at the unnecessary evil deeds of;
1. asking 2 aunties to choose which of the 2 cats (a mother and her baby kitten) they would rather save.
2. taking the baby kitten away, even though it was frantically hysterical having to be separated from it's mother.
3. The most unforgivable cursed deed of all - murdering the poor innocent baby kitten.

Ms. Tan, perhaps you are not a mother yet, or perhaps you are. I am not judging you - however I ask you, is there no compassion, being in an environment where hundreds and thousands of innocent living beings are being viciously massacred through no fault of theirs? Their harsh sentence carried out as their only sin was - TO EXIST.

Ms. Tan, please think about it, how would anyone react or feel, even if it is the poor lesser beings of dogs or cats, or any pets or animals, to have to live with the knowledge that their newborns was taken away from them to be killed without mercy? That for them to subsist in this part of the world will bring a death sentence upon them.

One would think, it's only a cat, a dog, a rabbit, a little mouse, but it's these creatures that existed way before our time. Without these creatures we cannot exist. It takes all of us to make up this world.

Ms. Tan, is it not our UNIVERSAL responsibility to administer love, kindness, compassion, to all living beings?

The Buddha advocates us to" Refrain from the unwholesome actions/ Perform only wholesome ones/ Purify the mind / This is the teaching of the Enlightened Ones."
And to quote the wise words of Buddha; " Intention, is karma. Having willed, one acts through body, speech and mind."

Ms. Tan, YOU will be the person, who may be able to change the way the system works. We do not ask of you to change the world; that would be a big task required upon many.... but to help save lives, it only takes ONE.

Ms. Tan, I wonder if you sleep better at night knowing that all those lives that were inexorably taken are looking down at us and praying for our lost souls.

With bitter sadness
Mrs. R