Monday, October 26, 2009

On pets and pet owners Pet owners selfish? Where's the proof?

The Electric New Paper :
On pets and pet owners
Pet owners selfish? Where's the proof?

I REFER to the letter 'Those who splurge on pets are too self-centred' (The New Paper, 20 Oct).
24 October 2009

I am disgusted at Ms Debbie Lim's callous attitude towards humans and animals in general. Her futile attempt to associate one's self-centredness and materialism with the love and care for a pet is ridiculous and laughable at best.

Without providing any evidence, she immediately casts a stereotypical eye on pet lovers, assuming that just because they pamper their pets, they are self-centred and materialistic.

What makes her think that these same people do not contribute to charitable causes as well?

Perhaps Ms Lim should provide some numbers to support her claims.

Going by her points, the entire population of Singapore should be rushing to Indonesia or to the Philippines, or other disaster areas to help out, and take care of humans, who, while being the dominant creatures of this planet, happen to be tearing it apart.

I will continue to pamper my pet.

At least I know he is not making the ozone hole any bigger.