Thursday, September 13, 2012

Save Our Street Dogs

Save Our StreetDogs SOSD
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In the midst of chaos and constant struggles that we face in what we do, we at SOSD wanna take a little moment and share our heartfelt thoughts….

The battle is very, very hard. We've had countless moments of discouragement and disappointments. Moments when we shed tears of helplessness and despair. There are times that we wonder if we can carry on, if we can take the next step forward. For we are few…very few, standing in the face of mountainous odds against us.

But out from nowhere, hands appear and reach out together with us in our humble mission of saving street lives. Hands big and small, far and near, they all joined in and reach out together with us. Strangers become comrades as we work towards saving as many street dogs as we possibly can.

Our mission could not have come this distance without our friends. Friends who though have not met our street dogs, have opened their hearts and contributed through their strength in so many ways. They render their support and strengthen us in the areas of lack and of weakness.

It is an unrelenting uphill struggle but where there is love and compassion, there is strength to scale the great mountains and brave dark storms.

So we want to take this moment to pause, and thank everyone who is standing with us in reaching out to our street dogs. We want to thank you for choosing compassion and humanity that our society has forgotten. Mostly, we want to thank you for not turning your heart away from the plight of our helpless, homeless street dogs. You have helped save many innocent lives.

We may be small and few, but together we shall strive to change the world for our street dogs. 

With heartfelt gratitude and sincerity,
Save Our Street Dogs